Sun protec­tion, tailored to you

Windows are the ‘eyes’ of a house. So they also need ‘eyel­ids’ – some form of shading system. And the shading needs to suit a variety of lighting condi­tions: bright sunlight, scat­tered clouds, high or low sun, heat, and much more. 

A good feeling: cool, secure & comfor­table

With window awnings, roller shut­ters, Vene­tian blinds and exte­rior blinds from WOUNDWO, you can enhance the comfort of your home or work­place: you control the indoor climate, deter­mine the lighting condi­tions and even improve your personal safety!

Advice for the best solu­tions

When you bring your ideas and prefe­rences to your WOUNDWO dealer, he will create an all-inclu­sive concept that gives you the best possible result in terms of heat insu­la­tion, antiglare protec­tion and privacy. It goes without saying that the package includes profes­sional instal­la­tion by specially trained sun protec­tion tech­ni­cians.


Roller shut­ters: perfectly protected

If you’re looking for the ulti­mate in privacy and protec­tion from heat, coupled with sound­proo­fing and break-in resis­tance, WOUNDWO roller shut­ters are the answer.

Vene­tian blinds: crea­tive light manage­ment

Vene­tian blinds from WOUNDWO open up a whole host of design options – play with the light, instead of letting the light call the shots!

Exte­rior blinds: flexible protec­tion from the sun

The classic, reinter­preted with inno­va­tive tech­no­logy: WOUNDWO exte­rior blinds.

Window awnings: luxury and func­tio­na­lity

Ideal shading on hot summer days and for south-facing windows or glass surfaces.

Insect screens: no more pesky little trou­ble­makers!

Finally – banish those irri­ta­ting or stin­ging pests from the house. Live and sleep in peace with WOUNDWO.


Expe­ri­ence makes us the leaders in sun protec­tion systems

Each WOUNDWO shading solu­tion is the result of decades of expe­ri­ence and know-how, allied with the latest tech­no­logy. Deve­l­oped and expertly produced in Austria. 

  • Sun protec­tion part­ners across Europe
  • 4 main sun protec­tion systems plus insect screens
  • More than 1,000 fabrics to choose from
  • Light control accor­ding to the user’s requi­re­ments
  • Respond flexibly to lighting condi­tions
  • Prevent glare and harsh, intrusive light
  • Selec­tive, effec­tive preven­tion of over­hea­ting
  • Improve break-in resis­tance and heat insu­la­tion
  • Dirt-repel­lent and low-main­ten­ance
  • Weather-proof and light-fast, highly flame retar­dant
  • High wind stabi­lity
  • Supe­rior dura­bi­lity