Guaranteed the best quality under the sun


We lead the market in many Euro­pean coun­tries

WOUNDWO has a proven repu­ta­tion as a reliable full-line provider of complete sun protec­tion solu­tions and pionee­ring warran­ties going back over 60 years. This deli­vers many bene­fits for WOUNDWO part­ners:

  • Full advi­sory exper­tise for instal­la­tion
  • Indi­vi­dual logis­tical solu­tions inclu­ding own vehicle fleet
  • 1A-Bera­tung bei intel­li­genten Steue­rungs­lö­sungen
  • Personal cust­omer support by quali­fied profes­sio­nals
  • Trend setting with own rese­arch and deve­lop­ment


…that you can depend on!

When you buy a WOUNDWO product you are opting for top quality, superb craft­manship and unri­valled dura­bi­lity.

More about our warranty conditions.

We put all our energy in for you to enjoy

 We want you to feel all the energy that goes into deve­lo­ping, manu­fac­tu­ring and impro­ving our products. And you will feel it, every time you use WOUNDWO sun protec­tion.